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Sarah Creviston Lee: Writer, Historian, Podcaster


Ever since my 1st grade teacher handed me a blank hard cover book to write and illustrate my own story, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I promptly wrote about a friendship between a dog and a unicorn, crayon illustrations and all. In seventh grade, I hand wrote my first full-length fantasy novel during countless lunch hours, dull moments in class, and late into the night sitting in bed. Writing has been in my blood from the beginning!


As a teenager I fell in love with history. At age 13, I belonged to the local Junior Historical Society and volunteered at the Historical Society Museum in Bloomington, Indiana. It was there that I saw my very first exhibit about World War II. It hit me with such intense fascination, I was never the same. After reading every single book about WWII in the YA fiction section of my library (some of which gave me nightmares!), that time period was written onto my heart.


That love of studying the WWII time period led to a fun project. I now host a podcast, Victory Kitchen, where I delve into American food rationing during WWII. It involves writing, research, food, and history, so pretty much all my favorite things!


Besides writing and doing research, I continue the pursuit for my love of history by writing at my blog HISTORY: Preserved. I specialize in studying and experimenting with WWII ration recipes. I also write about museums, historical sewing, and vintage cooking. My family and I also occasionally participate in WWII reenactment events where we teach about Boy Scouts in wartime, food rationing, and the British Women's Land Army.


I'm a wife to an amazing husband and mom to three great kids whom we homeschool. Maryland is the state we call home. 


I love sharing my love of history with others whether it be through writing, teaching, or inspiring others to dive into experiencing history for themselves. I hope that I can inspire you in some small way!

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